This is a massive update… We’ve addressed your top wish list items addressed in this update.
- Search added. You can now search the Gallery by artist, location, art title, description and hashtags. Even partial word searches!
- ‘Near me’ toggle button added. It sorts the Gallery by ‘closest first’ and shows a distance indicator on each thumbnail.
- We replaced the old 4:3 image tiles with squared ones
- Pull to refresh added
- Total # of art pieces displayed under Tagr logo at the top
- New color scheme!
- Smarter image handling, resulting in blazing fast thumbnail load times
- Whenever you scroll down, tap Tagr logo to return to the top
- Easter Egg time… Swipe the Tagr logo left or right to adjust the # of columns
Art Detail
- Aspect correct images (yay!)
- Another Easter Egg… Tap on image to zoom in. Flick the image in any direction to get out of zoom mode.
- Donate buttons moved to Artist Detail screen. Note: The Donate buttons will only work if the Artist entered their Paypal email.
- Only pins in the viewable area are now loaded, resulting in dramatically faster load times
- Search added. How to use: Enter a search term, then zoom out and scroll around on the map to find matches
- No more cropping of photos issue!
- Added “Do not map” toggle button. Tap this to prevent Tagr from storing the location of your photo
- After tagging, the app takes you straight to the Gallery (it still takes about a minute for your photo to appear in the Gallery – we’re working on speeding this up!)
- Same Easter Egg as above: Swipe logo left/right to adjust columns
- Paypal Email field added. Artists, be sure to enter your Paypal email to enable receiving donations.
- Website field added. Enter any link. This link will show up on your Artist Detail screen.
- Logout bug fixed
As always, we look forward to your feedback.